List of Tags Included in UNUM Insight Analytics Flow
Insight Analytics Flow Custom Tags - List of Tags
There are features and functions used in UNUM Manager and UNUM Analytics that are common throughout the user interface (UI). Please refer to the Common Functions section for more information on the use of these functions and features.
You use Tags to customize your dashboard if you want to see different information from the standard dashboard.
Some tags are only active if a feature is configured on the switch.
Custom tags are preceded with the word identity_profile in the tag.
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@timestamp @version SaaSService SaaSVendor age app connectionType count curState dayofWeek dsCountry dscp dstCity dstCountry dstDeviceVendor dstDomain dstHostname dstIp dstLocation dstLocation.geohash dstLocation.lon dstMac dstPort dstSwitchPort dur endedTime endedTimeStr |
etherType fabricId fabricName flowLocator hourOfDay iPkts ibytes icmpType id identity_profile.dstAccessPoint identity_profile.dstDepartment identity_profile.dstDeviceCategory identity_profile.dstDeviceFamily identity_profile.dstDeviceName identity_profile.dstDomain identity_profile.dstGroup identity_profile.dstIp identity_profile.dstLocation identity_profile.dstLogin identity_profile.dstName identity_profile.dstSsid identity_profile.portLocator identity_profile.source identity_profile.srcAccessPoint identity_profile.srcDepartment identity_profile.srcDeviceCategory identity_profile.srcDeviceFamily identity_profile.srcDeviceName |
identity_profile.srcDomain identity_profile.srcGroup identity_profile.srcIp identity_profile.srcLocation identity_profile.srcLogin identity_profile.srcName identity_profile.srcSsid input.portLocator latency obytes output.portLocator proto srcCity srcCountry srvDeviceVendor srcDomain srcHostname srcIp srcLocation srcLocation.geohash srcLocation.lon srcMac srcPort srcSwitchPort startedTime startedTimeStr |
switchName throughput totalBytes totalPkts vlan vm_profile.dataSource vm_profile.dataSourceName vm_profile.dstHostName vm_profile.dstOs vm_profile.dstOwner vm_profile.dstPortgroup vm_profile.dstVmName vm_profile.dstVnicStatus vm_profile.dstVnicType vm_profile.dstVsType vm_profile.dstVswitch vm_profile.srcHostName vm_profile.srcOS vm_profile.srcOwner vm_profile.srcPortgroup vm_profile.srcVmName vm_profile.srcVnicStatus vm_profile.srcVnicType vm_profile.srcVsType vm_profile.srcVswitch vnet vxlan |
Insight Analytics Flow List of Tags included in UNUM