
This command clears a Certificate Signing Request (CSR) for a TLS connection to a syslog server.

Syntax   syslog-tls-cert-clear

Defaults   None

Access   CLI

History   Command introduced in Version 2.5.

Usage   Use this command to delete imported certificates for TLS connections.

Examples  To clear imported certificates, use the following syntax:

CLI network-admin@switch > syslog-tls-cert-clear


This command imports certificates from the SFTP/import directory on the switch.

Syntax   syslog-tls-cert-import file-ca file-ca-string file-cert file-cert-string

file-ca file-ca-string

Specify the name of the CA certificate file.

file-cert file-cert-string

Specify the name of the switch certificate file signed by the CA.

Defaults   None

Access   CLI

History   Command introduced in Version 2.5.

Usage   Use this command to import certificates for TLS connections.

Examples  To clear imported certificates, use the following syntax:

CLI network-admin@switch > syslog-tls-cert-import file-ca ca.pem file-cert my-cert.pem


This command displays certificates information.

Syntax   syslog-tls-cert-info-show

cert-type ca|intermediate|server

Specify the type of the certificate: CA, intermediate or server.

subject subject-string

Specify the subject of the server.

issuer issuer-string

Specify the issuer of the certificate.

serial-number serial-number-number

Specify the serial number of the certificate.

valid-from valid-from-string

Specify the time from which the certificate is valid.

valid-to valid-to-string

Specify the time at which the certificate expires and is no longer valid.

Defaults   None

Access   CLI

History   Command introduced in Version 2.5.

Usage   Use this command view certificate information.

Examples  To display certificate information, use the following syntax:

CLI network-admin@switch > syslog-tls-cert-info-show


This command creates a certificate request for the TLS connection.

Syntax   syslog-tls-cert-request-create  

country country-string

Specify the country as a two letter code.

state state-string

Specify the state or province.

city city-string

Specify the city.

organization organization-string

Specify the organization.

organizational-unit organizational-unit-string

Specify the organizational unit.

common-name common-name-string

Specify the common name.

Defaults   None

Access   CLI

History   Command introduced in Version 2.5.

Usage   Use this command to generate a certificate request for TLS connections.

Examples  To clear imported certificates, use the following syntax:

CLI network-admin@switch > syslog-tls-cert-request-create country US state CA city Palo Alto organization engineering organizational-unit QA common-name


This command displays a certificate request for the TLS connection.

Syntax   syslog-tls-cert-request-show  

cert-type ca|intermediate|server

Specify the type of certificate.

subject subject-string

Specify the subject of the certificate.

issuer issuer-string

Specify the issuer of the certificate.

serial-number serial-number-number

Specify the serial number of the certificate.

valid-from valid-from-string

Specify the time from which the certificate is valid.

valid-to valid-to-string

Specify the expiration date of the certificate.

Defaults   None

Access   CLI

History   Command introduced in Version 2.5.

Usage   Use this command to display a certificate request for TLS connections.

Examples  To display requested certificates, use the following syntax:

CLI network-admin@switch > syslog-tls-cert-request-show


This command displays certificates from the SFTP/import directory on the switch.

Syntax   syslog-tls-cert-import

file-ca file-ca-string

Displays the name of the CA certificate file.

file-cert file-cert-string

Displays the name of the switch certificate file signed by the CA.

cert-ca cert-ca-string

Displays the CA cert.

cert-switch cert-switch-string 

Displays the switch certificate.

Defaults   None

Access   CLI

History   Command introduced in Version 2.5.

Usage   Use this command to import certificates for TLS connections.

Examples  To display imported certificates, use the following syntax:

CLI network-admin@switch > syslog-tls-cert-show