Fabric Layer 1 – Virtual Topology - Manage Topology vLE

There are features and functions used in UNUM Manager and UNUM Analytics that are common throughout the user interface (UI). Please refer to the Common Functions section for more information on the use of these functions and features.

Manage Topology vLE

Please refer to the Packet Broker and VirtualWire sections for more information about vPGs.

Selecting Manager → Layer 1 → Virtual Topology → Manage Topology vLE displays the Manage Topology vLE dashboard with a list of any existing vLE entries.

Note: If no entries exist a "No Data Exists" message is displayed. You must first configure an entry on a switch. Prerequisite settings and configuration may be required.

Manager Virtual Topology - Manage Topology vLE - Fabric Dashboard - No vLEs

Add a vLE

After creating a virtual topology using Manage Topology, select the topology from the drop-down list. 

Note: The virtual topology must be disabled before adding a vLE. See Manage Topology for more information.

Select Add vLE and enter the requisite parameters, which include:

Switch – Select a Switch.

Topologies – Pre-populated from drop-down list selection.

Name – The name assigned to the Topology.

Node 1 – Select node 1 from the drop-down list.

Node 2 – Select node 2 from the drop-down list.

vLE Name – Provide a name for the vLE.

Node 1 Port – Select a node 1 port.

Node 2 Port – Select a node 2 port.

Additional fields include:

VLAN – VLAN for the vLE creation.

VXLAN – VXLAN for the vLE creation.

Manager Virtual Topology - Manage Topology vLE - Fabric Dashboard - Add vLE

Click Save to continue or Cancel to return to the previous screen without making any changes.

Manager Virtual Topology - Manage Topology vLE - Fabric Dashboard - vLE

Select the applicable Fabric from the left-hand navigation bar and the dashboard updates showing all vLE entries from all switches within the Fabric

Select Topologies All. The dashboard displays a list of existing Topology entries by Fabric and Switch

Additional parameters include: Topologies, vLE Name, Node 1, Node 2, VLAN, and VXLAN.

Manager Virtual Topology - Manage Topology vLE - Fabric Dashboard - All vLEs

Select the applicable switch from the fabric and the dashboard updates automatically with the switch Topology entries.

The dashboard displays a list of existing Topology entries by Topology name. 

Additional parameters include: vLE Name, Node 1, Node 2, VLAN, and VXLAN.

Manager Virtual Topology - Manage Topology vLE - Switch Dashboard - vLE

Edit a vLE

Select Edit using the Cog icon and update as required. Parameters include:

VLAN – VLAN for the vLE creation.

VXLAN – VXLAN for the vLE creation.

Node 1 Port – Select a node 1 port.

Node 2 Port – Select a node 2 port.

Manager Virtual Topology - Manage Topology vLE - Switch Dashboard - Update vLE

Click Save to continue or Cancel to return to the previous screen without making any changes.

Enable the vLE

Using the Manage Topology dashboard, select an entry and enable a topology using the Cog icon and checking Enable.

Manager Virtual Topology - Manage Topology - Deploy the vFlow

Click Save to continue or Cancel to return to the previous screen without making any changes.

Note: Attempting to enable a virtual topology after adding a vLE without building the requisite underlay and overlay results in an error message being displayed. Please refer to the VirtualWire section for more information.

Manager Virtual Topology - Manage Topology - Enable the vLE

The vLE appears in the VirtualWire dashboard.

Manager Virtual Topology - VirtualWire Dashboard

Delete a vLE

If enabled, you must first disable a topology to delete a vLE. See Manage Topology for more information.

Select Delete using the Cog icon and delete the vLE.

Manager Virtual Topology - Manage Topology vLE - Switch Dashboard - Delete vLE

Confirm the deletion and Click Ok to continue or Cancel to return to the previous screen without making any changes.
