Geolocation Mapping File
Insight Analytics Flow Custom Tags Geolocation Mapping File
There are features and functions used in Arista NetVisor UNUM and Insight Analytics that are common throughout the user interface (UI). Please refer to the Common Functions section for more information on the use of these functions and features.
Private IP to Geolocation Mapping File. NetVisor UNUM Insight Analytics Flow allows users to provide their own IP range to the geolocation mapping file at the following location.
Use a CSV format only.
Save the mapping file to:
Note: A template file is provided and located in the above directory.
The following example illustrates the file contents. The CSV header parsing is currently not implemented.
NetVisor UNUM ignores entries when a # symbol precedes a line.,,37.338208,-121.886329,San Jose,United States,,29.760427,-95.369803,Houston,United States,,34.052234,-118.243685,Los Angeles,United States,,29.760427,-95.369803,Houston,United States,,34.052234,-118.243685,Los Angeles,United States,,41.878114,-87.629798,Chicago,United States,,40.712748,-74.005941,New York,United States,,41.878114,-87.629798,Chicago,United States #,,40.712748,-74.005941,New York,United States #,,37.441883,-122.143019,Palo Alto,United States |
The CSV fields are:
•Starting IP
•Ending IP (inclusive)
•Description (city)
Note: Stop and Start NetVisor UNUM to implement any changes made to the Geolocation Mapping file.
Insight Analytics
The Private Geolocation data feature is available in the following Insight Analytics dashboards:
•Insight Analytics / Flow – Connections
•Insight Analytics / Flow – Traffic
•Insight Analytics / Flow – Report
•Insight Analytics / Flow – Dynamic Flow Mapping
•Insight Analytics / Flow – Custom Tags
•Insight Analytics / Flow – sFlow
•Insight Analytics / VMWARE – Connections
•Insight Analytics / VMWARE – Traffic
•Insight Analytics / VMWARE – Dynamic Flow Mapping
For more information on configuring and using the private geolocation data please refer to the How To Configure and Use Private Geolocation Use Case.
Note: As of July 2021, sFlow is no longer supported.