How to Configure and Use Private Geolocation
How to Configure and Use Private Geolocation
There are features and functions used in UNUM Manager and UNUM Analytics that are common throughout the user interface (UI). Please refer to the Common Functions section for more information on the use of these functions and features.
The basic Private Geolocation workflow comprises:
1)Editing and saving the private_geo_ip.csv file.
2)Stopping and Starting UNUM to load the CSV file.
3)Analyzing the data using Insight Analytics.
Note: The settings and data illustrated below are configuration examples only. Enter your custom settings based on your specific needs and requirements.
Step 1 - Editing the CSV File
Login into the Remote Console as user “vcf” and enter your password.
After logging in to your UNUM VM instance, locate the private_geo_ip.csv file:
cd /home/vcf/srv/maestro/private_geo_ip/ |
Edit the private_geo_ip.csv file and add the required information.
The CSV fields are:
•Starting IP
•Ending IP (inclusive)
•Description (city)
sudo nano private_geo_ip.csv # The following is an example. The CSV header parsing is currently not implemented. # '#' in the beginning of the line causes the record to be ignored #,,37.338208,-121.886329,San Jose,United States #,,29.760427,-95.369803,Houston,United States #,,34.052234,-118.243685,Los Angeles,United States #,,29.760427,-95.369803,Houston,United States #,,34.052234,-118.243685,Los Angeles,United States #,,41.878114,-87.629798,Chicago,United States #,,40.712748,-74.005941,New York,United States #,,41.878114,-87.629798,Chicago,United States #,,40.712748,-74.005941,New York,United States #,,37.441883,-122.143019,Palo Alto,United States #,,47.608013,-122.335167,Seattle,United States # The following data will be used for Geolocation.,,21.315603,-157.858093,Honolulu,United States,,12.972442,77.580643,Bangalore,India,,47.608013,-122.335167,Seattle,United States |
For example, we entered:
•Starting IP –
•Ending IP (inclusive) –
•Latitude – 47.608013
•Longitude – -122.335167
•Description (city) – Seattle
•Country – United States
Save the file after completing all entries.
Step 2 - Stop and Start UNUM
Return to the UNUM home directory and use the setup script to stop and start UNUM:
cd /home/vcf/ |
Run the UNUM setup script: ./UNUM_setup.sh
./UNUM_setup.sh |
Select Option 4 to stop the UNUM application.
The setup screen displays the list of stopping services.
Start UNUM
Select Option 3 to start the UNUM application.
The setup screen displays the list of starting services.
After restarting UNUM verify all services are running using Option 7, Status Check as needed.
Step 3 - Analyzing and Filtering using Geolocation Settings
Login to UNUM and proceed to the Insight Analytics Flow dashboard.
Using the Insight Analytics Dynamic Flow Mapping dashboard as an example, apply the custom Geolocation entries as Filters.
Example - No Filter
Example - Filter on Seattle
Enter the term "Seattle" in the search bar.
The search filter appears in the filter bar and the dashboard updates with the filtered data.
The Details dashboard provides additional information based on the applied filter.
Drill down on the data and the Geolocation information displays in the Table and JSON data.
Clicking on the icon in the Details section reveals Tabular and JSON data. Table data is displayed along with JSON script in two separate panes.
Example - Filter on Seattle & Honolulu
When an IP range entered in the Private Geolocation CSV file matches actual data collected, it will appear as either source or destination data as an available filter choice.
Use this data to refine your search results further, as shown in the examples below.
Entering Honolulu in the search bar reveals it as Destination and Source data.
Selecting Destination updates the dashboard accordingly.
The data also appears in the JSON table.
Insight Analytics
The Private Geolocation data feature is available in the following Insight Analytics dashboards:
•Insight Analytics / Flow – Connections
•Insight Analytics / Flow – Traffic
•Insight Analytics / Flow – Report
•Insight Analytics / Flow – Dynamic Flow Mapping
•Insight Analytics / Flow – Custom Tags
•Insight Analytics / Flow – sFlow
•Insight Analytics / VMWARE – Connections
•Insight Analytics / VMWARE – Traffic
•Insight Analytics / VMWARE – Dynamic Flow Mapping
Note: As of July 2021, sFlow is no longer supported.